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You think it’s just another day…​

You get up and autopilot kicks in.

You hit the alarm several times till you finally get up and you do what you do.​

You, head straight for the coffee pot, and then you get ready for a job which actually hate, but you go anyway, cuz you have to pay for the things you really don’t want, but you think you do,cuz that’s what you’re use too.

And that’s what makes you feel good.​

THINGS, to compensate for how much hate yourself.

And so, what’s really going on is, you’re wasting your days away.

You’re secretly waiting for the threads to break​

The threads that keep you in place.

The threads that keep you stuck in a marriage that’s so suffocating.

The threads that keep you tied to your limited beliefs.

The threads that keep you stuck in your never-ending sad stories.

​But trust me.​

If you don’t honour your feelings, the threads will break suddenly in every way, and without those threads, you will fall, dramatically hard.

And trust me when I say, the impact will tear you apart.​

It’ll start in the heart which will make its way to your clavicle bone, weakening the structures of your posture, making it impossible for you to protect yourself.

And then you’ll feel the impact in the spine, and the pain will radiate all the way to your toes, so you’ll feel it in the air pockets of your bones.

And you can feel it in the strands of your muscle fibers and you can feel it in the way you breathe, and the way you move your body.

​You can feel it in your teeth and in the way, you speak…

And when the fall gets momentum, it can become quite devastating…

And the next thing ya’ know, you’re dead.

So suddenly, right?

But was it really?

Maybe you had lots of chances to change…

To fix the threads, but you never did.​

So maybe dying is the consequence for not realizing that life is about being in Love, that’s it.​

But do you even know what being in love really is?