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I’m not a lesbian but I like women…

A lot.

So I guess by definition I would be considered a lesbian, wouldn’t I?

But why?

Why do I have to be defined by who I get down with?

Why do I have to be confined to one specific way of sexuality?

What if some days I wanna be something different than what I was being yesterday?

What if I decide on certain days of the week that I like men, so then will you call me straight?

What if sometimes I like to be gay and straight at the same time, so then will you call me bi?

What if I decide I don’t wanna be any specific category at all, so then will I get to be whoever I wanna be?


They’ll just label me as confusing, cuz they won’t understand me, so they can’t call me anything specific, so then I’ll never fit into their bullshit ways of defining what kind of human I am.