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What up, What up, What up, What up?

I’m back with another episode.

We’re here talking to you today about photo art.

That’s right.

Photo arting.

Photo arting is actually one of my favorite forms of arting, by the way.

In case you are wondering, we’re talking about photo art and how it can help us self heal, and raise our frequency.

Because that’s what I’m all about.

That’s what I’m all.

We’re always having the conversation about how we, me and you, you and me, the human being. How can we collectively do the work to become the highest ideal version of ourself by awakening the artist within.

By activating our spiritual gifts.

And we do this through arting and hearting, which means we are making art.

And we are making love.

Being in love.

Doing acts of love for ourself, and thus for others.

This is the kind of work that we aren’t taught.

And this is the kind of work most people just don’t want to do.

They don’t wanna do it because they’re lazy, or they just want what they want.

By escaping into the outside world.

And buying people places and things.

Distracting themself with social media, and entertainment that imprints into them, codes of self destruction.

That’s why, you know, the world is so fucked up.

That’s why Humanity has been so broken apart.

So disconnected from love, and who they really are.

Because they keep putting their power into the outside world.

But what’s the root cause of that?

Well, the root cause of it is the lies that we’ve all been told…

Like the lies about everything.

It’s the manipulation through propaganda

And the systems.

The systems that are designed to keep us sick, tired, and fat.

So that we are super depressed.

And thus, we’re so willing to give our power away because yeah.

When you’re being abused in these really subtle ways.

You don’t realize it, and you’re just constantly leaking energy out.

You don’t really have much to give.

And it’s hard to think greater than how you feel.

So if you’re feeling like shit, well, it’s hard to think your way out of it.

And so yes, it’s easy.

It’s easy to be lazy.

It’s easy to escape.

It’s easy to spend most of your time on social media, and spending most of your time watching porn. or playing video games, or binge eating, or I don’t know…

Whatever else people do to escape from themselves.

The truth is, most people know that they’re miserable.

And most people know that there is a better way.

They know that so much out there is wrong.

Those are the in-betweeners.

Those are the cowards because they know, but they’re not willing to do whatever it takes to go all the way, and be the change.

And then you have the ones that are so unaware, and they can’t see past their pain.

They can’t see past the illusion.

They can’t see past the matrix.

They can’t see past the gaslighting.

That really is what we have going, on the world stage.

You know, whether you’re going to the doctor.

Or you’re going to the teacher at a school.

Or you’re listening to the news.

Or you’re listening to a politician.

Like wherever you’re giving your attention to, you are consuming information.

And it seems like so much of out there, is just so much bullshit.

So much lies and so much gaslighting.

These people that are either serving, or manipulating.

Or feeding us a narrative about how to do life.

Taking this medicine, going to this school, learning this specific information.

Oh, you can say this, but you can’t say that.

Who are they to tell us what’s right and what’s wrong?

Who’s anyone to say what’s right or what’s wrong.

Isn’t it all just fucking hearsay anyway?

Isn’t it all just a perspective?

A point of view based on the information you, so and so, have collected?

Well, where did you get your information?

And why is it right?

Why are you more right than me?

See, we have created so much division between each other because of the divide within.

Well, let me speak about myself, cuz really this is about me and myself, and my perspective.

But for me personally, like I had so much divide within myself, and I didn’t know myself.

So I didn’t trust myself.

I didn’t trust myself in any way, and I didn’t even realize it.

And it’s really unfortunate because when you don’t trust yourself, you really do hand your power over.

And, the more you do that, the more you step on yourself.

The more you turn your back on yourself, the more you break your own heart.

And the more you break your own heart, the more the divide within gets.

The bigger the gap.

The bigger the gap, the bigger the gap, the bigger the gap.

And eventually you have no idea who you are.

Why you are.

Where you are.

What your purpose is.

So yeah, then you’re more easily to conform to these flawed systems, and these programmings, that literally keep us trapped in this prison of abuse.

This trauma based programming.

The porn.

The video games.

The apps.

The technology.

The vaccines.

The social distancing.

The media.

The news.

Whatever you wanna call it.

It’s all a NOOSE designed to break us down.

To keep us stuck in the state of fear.

And so if we…

If we, we, we the individual


If I don’t take control of myself.

If I don’t learn to stand in my truth.

To speak my truth.

To believe that I’m more right than someone outside of me.

If I don’t, they are going to fucking kill me.

And I don’t wanna die again by the hands of them.

You know, we’ve all been here thousands of times before.

Once again, when are we going to close the door on the system?

On the system that is designed, and determined to keep us as the victims.

I learned a very, very, very hard lesson, about giving my power away when the cancer happened.

Like I might have said in the past, I took the treatment, knowing in my heart that it was not the right thing to do.

And I still believe that is true to this day.

I think I made a huge mistake.

But we’re not gonna dwell on the mistakes.

We’re gonna learn the lessons and find the blessings.

That’s why I’m telling you this story.

So I took the treatment knowing it wasn’t the answer to getting to the root cause of why I had cancer in the first place.

I knew cancer was the byproduct of my very fucked up childhood.

The heartbreaks, and the constant state of grief.

The constant back and forth.

The never feeling safe.

Never okay to speak my truth.

My feelings were never valid.

Their point of view was only right.

Must please parents.

Must please teachers.

Must please coach.

Must be a good person.

But no matter what you do, no matter what you do, you’re still wrong.

You’re still shamed for it.

Anyway, I knew that that’s why I was sick, because I knew I had so much pain in my heart.

I was so heartbroken.

But I didn’t understand it.

Innerstand it.

Overstand it, in that way at the time of cancer happening, and everything falling apart.

So, you know, I just was so shell shocked.

So shell shocked by such a diagnosis that I just didn’t really know what to do.

But I knew that the treatment wasn’t the answer.

So I took some time, and I did a lot of natural cancer treatment stuff,

but then I got scared.

I got scared, and I wasn’t sure if I was doing the right thing.

So basically I ended up, turning my back on what I felt was the right thing to do.

And I let the outside world influence my decision.

And then I took the treatment.

And the more I took the treatment, the worse I felt.

The worse I felt, the worse it got.

The worse it got, the more I wanted to die.

So I go from wanting to create this extraordinary life, and on this quest to find self love.

And the next thing you know, cancer treatment is all done.

And then it just gets so bad, and so bad, and so bad, and so bad, and so bad, and so bad, to the point where eventually I just thought about death all the fucking time.

I just wanted to die.

Take me out of this body.

Take me out of this life.

Why am I here?

To suffer?


I was always a warrior for a good life.

This is not how my story was supposed to go.

Long story short, thanks to alcohol inks.

Thanks to alcohol inks and photo arting, I was able to find my way out of a very, very, very, very, very dark place.

Alcohol inks, like I said in the past, opened me up to this new way of seeing things.

It opened me up to love which is like…

It’s like I used to be reading this book of disempowerment.

This book of feeling shamed.

And not good enough.

And always afraid.

But alcohol inks gave me a whole different book.

And they said, look at things this way, Sarah.

And so I started going through this book, and learning the lessons, and putting the lessons into practice.

So after I finished the cancer treatment, which involved 11 rounds of chemotherapy, a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction, and then 26 rounds of radiation on top of my newly…

Newly implanted tissue expander.

The sexy little tissue expander, to expand my skin, while at the same time, burning it over and over, and over and over, and over again.

Like I said, 26 times.

Basically let’s annihilate the host in hopes that we save them from cancer.

It doesn’t make sense, but I’m not here to talk about the problem per se.

However, I do wanna mention that the implant process is the thing that made me so sick, and eventually I wanted to kill myself, because there was no way out of it.

The implant destroyed my ribs.

And destroyed my chest.

And destroyed my spine.

And caused so much spinal misalignment.

And so much chaos inside of me, and it made me fucking crazy.

Yes, yes, I went crazy.

I don’t deny it.

I’m not denying it.

That’s why I’m here telling you to beware.

Beware that that will try to sell you on their medicines…

On their medical protocols.

And they act like they’re the end all be all to healing disease.

They act like their medicines…

Their drugs, their pharmaceuticals…

Their whatevers.

They think that they know what’s best for us.

But guess what?

Guess what?

They’re backed by Satan, and what they are doing…

They’re protocols are not for our highest and best.

And they won’t tell all the details.

They’re not gonna tell you about breast implant illness, and how it literally affects millions of women, who think that implants are a great idea.

Whether it’s because you had a mastectomy, or you’re getting implants, because you want bigger breasts.

To each their own.

But I’m just saying that putting an implant in your body, isn’t the answer.

And it’s probably gonna cause, more misalignments than you realize.

And once you get in it, it’s really hard to get out.

Good luck getting out.

What I started doing as a way to manage the pain that I was in, that was caused from this breast implant illness nightmare, and not knowing that that’s what was going on.

I didn’t know that’s what was going on.

It wasn’t until one day outta the blue I thought I was dying.

So I was looking up something to do with death, and I was guided to this information on breast implant illness, and I knew right away that’s what was going on.

And then I knew then that I had to get the implant out.

So then I had to come up with like $12,000 as a way to get the implant out, because I’m here to tell you that they’re so willing to use your taxpayer dollars to fuck you up, and to cure your dis disease, that they pretty much caused.

And then if you want to get well, or if you need to get back up from what they did to you.

Well, you’re gonna have to pay for that.

And there’s nowhere to go for help.

There’s nowhere to go for help.

If you think there’s somewhere to go, then go there and, and let me know.

Send me a note.

But I’m pretty sure there’s nowhere to go.

There’s nowhere to go.

So what do you do when you find yourself completely annihilated, and broke, and worthless.

Enough of these stories, you know, pile up and this is what causes more heartbreak.

And more shame, and just more insecurities.

And this is what makes it so hard for us, to really turn pro.

That’s why it’s been so hard for me to turn pro.

Doing this project is the only thing that gives me hope.

If I don’t have this…

I don’t know what I would do.

I don’t know what I would do.

I got the implant out and I’ve been feeling better, but it’s such a work in progress.

I don’t know if I’ll ever get completely there. wherever it is I’m going.

I don’t even know.

But pro to me is just being emotionally free.

Pain free in the body.

Mentally free.

So I’m still doing the work.

I’m still on the quest.

And I’m still wondering when I get to the end.

Like there’s gotta be an end to the hard stuff.

I think there is.

Anyway, maybe I’m crazy for thinking that, but I already told you I was crazy, so that shouldn’t be a surprise.

But the good news is, photo arting and alcohol inks, can help us see the different points of view.

The different perspectives.

Because when you’re photo arting, you’re not just taking a picture of something.

You’re taking a picture of all the different perspectives, that you can find.

So I’m talking like up close and from a distance.

And from different angles.

So from low to high.

As above, so below.

In and out.

Back and forth.

How many different ways can we see a scene?

So many different perspectives.

The other thing that photo arting really did for me was it helped me see myself…

Because I would do a lot of taking photos of myself, seeing different perspectives of myself.

So if you’re using your phone camera like I did, and I would just find different angles to take pictures.

And what I learned was like one side of my face is completely different than the other.

And then I started to realize that a lot of people have that.

A lot of people’s left sides, are different than their right sides.

And I have a feeling that it’s either a reflection of your mother and father.

Or it’s a reflection of the different parts of yourself.

Which is kind of the same thing.

But anyway, that’s one thing I realized that one side of my face was different than the other.

And then I started to realize that when you see me from this point of view, it’s so different

than from this point of view.

See this side versus this side.

And then if you see me up close, or like this versus like this.

So you see how different perspectives change everything.

It gives you a whole new set of information.

And I just think that’s fascinating.

The other thing I think is fascinating about playing around with photo art more specifically, in the editing room, is when we change the filters, or play with the different color options.

Because if you change the hue, or you change the vibrancy.

Or you change the saturation.

Or you change the temperature.

You change the exposure.

Like changing all these variables, changes the colors of the picture.

And when we change the color of the picture, it creates a whole new feeling.

So a picture that was more blue tones would feel very different, than a picture that had more red tones.

And so something I really love to play with, or capitalize on, if you will, is color, because color is very healing, and color is information.

And alcoholic art paintings have been a huge tool in helping me learn about color, and of course get the energy and the information from them.

And the same with photo arting.

Photo arting has helped me really learn about color, and surrounding myself with color, playing with color.

It does something to my mind.

It does something to my third eye.

And I think that energy, that information changes my mind.

And that information in my mind goes through my cells, and imprints my cells with new information.

And so that’s how I’ve really been able to rise above this health crisis.

This massive setback that just has no ending.

I’ve come to realize that there’s nowhere to go to get help.

So I have to find the help within myself.

And so there’s tools that we can use

to help us rise above whatever our setback is.

It’s about really understanding what those tools are

and using them often.

And over time we start to change our minds, and our hearts, and we find new paths.

New ways of doing things.

We change our vibration.

And so our magnet, our point of attraction that we’re sending out into the universe.

The signal we’re sending out into the universe is different, and it’s higher, and it’s more aligned, and more precise, to what you need and want, because you did the work to learn about love.

To learn about perspective.

To change your mind, so in that you attract more precise, more aligned people, places, and opportunities that help you really expand and grow.

Thus, changing our story entirely.

So yeah, I got to a place where I didn’t wanna be here anymore, but I knew suicide is not the answer.

It’s not the answer.

We still have to go through the lesson.

And so I always ask.

What am I being called to learn?

Why is this setback happening?

What is the real blessing in disguise?

Because there’s always a blessing in disguise, if you choose to see it that way.

You can see it a different way.

But if you choose to see it in the light, and how am I being called to expand and grow, and become the highest ideal version of myself?

From that point of view, you are then empowered.

Empowered to take different kinds of action.

But if you choose to be the victim, you will continue being the victim.

You will continue to be abused, and used and gaslight by those outside of yourself.

Because you’re not in your truth.

You’re not in your power.

You’re not willing to do whatever it takes to become sovereign.

To feel well.

To activate the artist within.

To become limitless.

Sometimes I wonder if it requires an extreme amount of humbling, before we’re even able to see past the illusion.

I don’t know, but for me, that is really what happened.

I got pushed into this very, very, very dark place.

This place where I never thought I would end up.

And I’ve always been a pretty positive, upbeat person.

And I always had this desire to live an extraordinary life, and to do something great.

But after the cancer treatment, I just kept losing more and more of myself.

And the vision I had to do something great, got further and further and further away.

And, so I’ll be honest, like to this day, I’m still struggling to hold onto it, because I’m still not the best version of myself.

And I still have these issues in my tissues, that I don’t know how to get rid of.

But the project, and doing the work to research, and to learn, and to teach what I’ve learned

helps me keep going.

It distracts me from everything else.

And I just hope that one day, one day we can all have this common innerstanding of what it really takes to self heal.

What it really takes to get well, and become the best version of ourself.

And it’s this inner knowing, that will allow us all to be more discerning in who we give our power to.

And when we stop putting the power outside of self.

When we stop relying on them to tell us how to live, and be well.

Well then we will create the healing system within.

We will create the wellness from within, and we will come together in more micro ways, and help each other in more powerful ways, because we are the ones.

We are the disclosure.

We are the healers.

We are the creators.

We are the human beings.

And they don’t want us to know how powerful we really, really are.

Because when we know, when we stop being the sheep, and when we stop being the cowards, and when we really step into alignment.

Their tricks won’t work anymore.

That’s right.

Your tricks won’t work anymore, bro.

Bye bye.

Marker 11

Anyway, we’re going to be using Arting and Hearting.

Art Mastery.

Self Mastery.

As a way to change our minds and open our hearts, and break the habit of being ourselves, and become the best version of ourselves from the inside out.

So that’s my little story for today on photo arting…

I don’t know if it made any sense.

You know, sometimes I get on these rabbit trails, and I start a thought, and I think it’s gonna go in a direction, but it ends up going in an entirely different direction.

And I’m like, what was I talking about?

But, you know, that’s why it’s important to take notes.

And if you take notes, it’ll all make sense, eventually…

Someday this will all really make sense.

Thank you for listening to this episode, and I will see you in the next episode on Video Arting.

That’s gonna be a real treat.

Don’t wanna miss that one.

That’ll be a real, real treat.

Video Arting is amazing.

Just amazing.

Just like you.

You are amazing too.

And don’t you ever forget that.

Don’t let them make you feel like you are less than amazing.

Okay, my friend.
