She wanted to live with purpose, but she couldn’t find her purpose…
She wanted real love but she didn’t love herself…
She wanted good health, but she didn’t know herself, so she always beat herself up for never feeling well.
She wanted to be rich but, she didn’t think she could handle it, so she never could get it.
She wanted nice clothes, and a nice home that felt good, but she didn’t really know how to feel good, so she settled for what she knew, and what she knew wasn’t very good.
She wanted to achieve great things, but she always thought she wasn’t good enough to succeed.
And in between all that, she wanted a lot of sex and mind-blowing orgasms, and lots of THC, and endless time to create epic shit, and a nice place with an ocean view that she could run free, and be naked all day if she wanted too.
And, while she didn’t believe in a lot of things, but she wanted too, she believed in this cuz she could feel it was possible.
And so it was, in about a month or so.