Mary Jane was my best friend for the last 2 years.
She was my comfort zone.
My warm blanket and she protected me from the cold.
She loved me unconditionally and She brought me closer to mySelf.
And now thanks to her, I have mySelf.
But the hardest part about falling in love is that sometimes we have to let love go.
Sometimes we have to release and surrender to the next phase we’re on, and we have to grow in new ways and it can be really uncomfortable.
And scary at first.
But that doesn’t mean love ends.
Or that you have to get angry or upset about it.
Or fight to keep it together.
You just have to change your perspective, and see the lessons and let go of love with love, so you can be open to give and receive new love.
And now, I feel like it’s time for me to let go of Mary Jane so I can make room for something new, ya know?
It’s really strange for me to say this, but I just don’t think we love each other the same we did.
I don’t know what it is, but things have shifted.
And it feels different.
But it’s OK.
I think our time together was the best relationship I’ve ever had and She helped me become who I am.
And to be honest, I’m pretty sure if it wasn’t for her I’d be dead.
She got me through all the cancer shit.
The affair.
My war of art.
And She helped me do the work to become a higher version of myself.
So thanks to Her, I feel like I’ve reached a new level of pro, and it’s time for me to go.
I’m not saying we’ll never see each other again because I still wanna be friends.
So I do think we’ll still hook up every now and then, for you know…
“Good conversations.”
And we’ll still cuddle and make out and do things only lovers do…