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Well, hello there.

Welcome, welcome, welcome to Alcohol Ink Art T.V.

That’s what we’re gonna call this, I think.

You know, I dabbled with other ideas, but this is how it all started.

And without getting into all the gory details, I’m trying to get back to where I started because that’s when things were working.

But because of a lot of gory things, things got a bit crazy.

A bit outta control.

But now I know why.

I know why, and now I’m determined now more than ever before…

Now more than ever before, I’m determined to bring to you what I started.

And I’m gonna be so good that you won’t be able to ignore me.

I’m gonna be so often, and so constant and so real, raw and honest that you’re gonna want what I have.

And that’s exactly why they’ve been trying to stop me.

But they’re so funny because if they really understood the power that I have behind me, and in front of me, and all around me.

Like if they truly understood who they were dealing with, it would’ve been in their best interest to just let me do what I came to do.

But no, no…

They had to put on their cape, and act like they’re bigger and better than what they.

Act like they’re more powerful than me.

Oh, the narcissist can be so naive.

So grandiose, and so audacious about themselves, hey?

That’s the facade.

The facade is that they are someone awesome…

Someone that has it together.

Someone that knows what they’re doing.

But these people are just con artists.

Fake, empty vessels.

And whatever it is that they’re portraying to be, it’s because they’ve copied it.

They’re fake.

It’s facade.

It’s someone else.

It’s someone else they’ve mimicked…

They’ve hijack.

Maybe it’s you.

Maybe it’s who you are that they’ve hijacked, because that’s what the narcissist does.

They hijack your mind.

They steal your good ideas.

They steal your juice.

The narcissist steals your juice.

He steals your life force.

He sucks you dry through this process called enmeshment.

It’s like this grooming of your mind through voice manipulation.

Hand to skull technology…

The cell phone is killing so many beautiful human beings, and they don’t even realize it.

Cognitive dissonance is a real bliss, isn’t it?

Yes, it is.

I love being ignorant to what’s going on around me and inside of me.

Anyway, I digress.

I get off on a little tangent now and then, so just be patient with me okay.

This series that we’re reactivating…redoing.

We started it a few years ago.

We’re bringing it out bigger and better than it ever was going to be.

So blessings in disguise.

Sometimes our setbacks are an opportunity to realign.

Remember that…

Rejection is God’s protection.

So yeah, we’re bringing back who I was becoming before all the stuff happened.

All the death.

So much death.

There’s been so much death, and I thought, you know, death was the end.

But it’s like just the beginning.

Like once you die once, it’s like you just can’t stop dying.

Thus, every day is like a death and it’s so hard to be in this human experience, when you’re constantly dying.

But what makes it even harder to be alive while you’re dying, is when you are being eaten alive by the narcissist.

This parasitic energy, that has infected societies across the globe.

But the best part about dying every day is that you never really get complacent to the way things are, which gives you the opportunity to constantly be expanding and evolving, and healing and growing.

A lot of people are not dying.

They’re just trying to hold on to their small world.

Their small lives, and keep their narrow minds and their grief.

They wanna stay trapped in their victim mentalities because it’s easier that way.

It’s easier to be a slave and bend over and allow the overlords to tell you who you are and how you should live your life.

So most people just don’t truly value their life.

But I think it’s all by design.

It’s all by design, right?

We’re, kind of forced into this way of life.

Forced into going to school.

And it’s like school is the root cause of why humanity is so fucked up.

School is a prison sentence before you even have developed a sense of self.

It’s like they just get in there at the prime age and take your innocence away.

And this is how they are taking the love out of humanity.

By killing the innocence through school.

A.K.A indoctrination camp.

But it’s not just school, right?

It’s like, religion and medicine





It’s like the reason why there’s so many narcissists in this world is because the system is built on a narcissistic mindset.

A narcissistic quality.

Constantly looking to drain your life force.

To get you to be a weak person.

To be someone who is cognitive dissonant to the abuse.

We get so used to being abused that we don’t recognize it, and because there is so much trauma bonding going on in the human collective.

The trauma bond is so strong.

We just have so many people who are growing up feeling so discombobulated.

So emotionally degulated.

So unloved.

So not taken care of.

And we can blame parents, but is it really the parents’ fault?

Because parents are just doing what they know.

And, so is it their parents faults?

Well, you could say the same thing….

The parents’, parents were just doing what their parents taught them.

It’s like, when does it end?

It’s like we could keep blaming the parents, but it’s really the system.

So we have to blame ourselves because we’re all part of the system.

So what are we doing to break this cycle of abuse?

What are we doing to take off the noose?

The narcissism, the anxiety, the depression, the codependency,

The people pleasing.

The bipolars.

The cluster B’s.

The inconsistencies.

The reclusion.

The isolation.

The avoidant personalities.

Like see all of qualities or personality disorders, or personality traits, if you will, because that’s essentially what we’re talking about.

Personality disorder is the perspective that your personality isn’t normal.

So your dysfunctional, and then we have all these prescriptions, and all these diagnosis that we can use to qualify where you are on the spectrum

of personality disease or disorders.

But really what we’re talking about is just people’s different ways of expressing trauma and grief, and this lack of love energy.

The lack of true love frequency.

People are misaligned in their mind and in their heart, and there’s nowhere to go to heal it.

To fix it.

To get help.

To do the work.

There’s nowhere to go.

So this is why the root of the problem that is infecting societies

across the globe is grief.

And grief needs work.

Grief needs consoling…

is that the word?


Grief needs comfort.

You need to be soothed.

You need to learn about love because grief is this illusion that love is lost.

Love left.

Love died.

Love doesn’t love me.

I’m not safe.

I’m not supported.

I’m not worthy.

That’s how we interpret it.

The inner child interprets it that way.

So we grow up in these environments that are very tumultuous.

Very traumatic from our small child mind point of view.

And, that’s how we’re growing up with this perspective.

So the older we get, the deeper that perspective gets and that perspective stays with you.

So we grow up not feeling loved because of stuff that happened when we were babies and children, and adolescents, and teenagers, and you know, we go through these cycles of growth, but it’s in our really formative years that we develop these core senses of self..

This core Self.

So if you’re growing up in an environment where you don’t feel loved, and it’s not safe, and you’re not supported.

It can create traumas that stick with you.

This imprinting…

It shapes your personality.

Your personality traits, your personality disorder.

So if you grew up disordered, if you grew up in a very dysfunctional environment, then chances are, you have a personality disorder in some way.

So you have to stop pretending that it’s uncommon, and instead start creating solutions that actually target the root cause of this very common problem.

Stop talking about the problems.

They’re not going away by talking about it.

Solutions matter, and we have to stop dismissing the fact that what it is is energy.

What it is is lack of love energy.

So when we look at the sources of fear and the sources that create, or cause this illusion of lack, or worry, or reasons to be worried….

The news.

The television shows.

The music we listen to.

The matrix is programming us…


Your parents.

Your great grandparents.

Your great, great great parents.

Your great, great, great great parents.

Your great, great, great, great, great great parents.

We are the byproduct of our ancestors.

We’re all carving the path.

We’re all creating tomorrow through our actions.

Through our beliefs.

Through our decisions.

Through our thoughts, through our feelings, through what we believe, what we don’t believe, what we give our power to, et cetera.


We have to be willing to recognize how our personality is being shaped by the outside world.

How our personality…

How our feelings are being influenced by what we give our attention to.

And thus we have to become the parent of ourselves.

The parents we never had, assuming that our parents didn’t really know what love was because they weren’t truly loved. 

Because their parents didn’t truly love them, because their parents, didn’t truly love themselves, and their parents weren’t truly…

Like the layers of this trauma go so deep.

We, who are here to heal that trauma.

We, the ones that are aware of what’s going on.

We’re the ones that are interested in getting well.

Interested in ending the cycles of pain.

So because we’re interested in it, we are more likely to be willing to do the work.

The work that actually works.

Instead of talking about the problems all the time, and repeating the same storylines.

We are willing to go inside, restore the balance.

Heal through the power of self-love.




You accepting, and loving, and mastering yourself heals all your ancestry.

It stops the cycle.

It stops the karma.


Grief is the disease.

Grief from childhood traumas.

Grief from the loss of people you love.

Either way, it’s grief that is so deadly.

So how do we prevent grief from spreading to our children?

Children become adults.

Adults create society, right?

So how do we prevent grief from getting to the children, and how do we help the adults?

How do we help the adults who are grieving children?

The adults we call narcissists, and the adults we call this and that.

The transgenders.

These people are heartbroken, operating adult bodies, desperately wanting to be accepted, but terrified to let the love in.

Just because we need love and want it, doesn’t make it easy.

Because if you’ve been in the dark your entire life and you turn on a bright light can be very, very overwhelming.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Wouldn’t you agree that bright colors can be very intense if you’re used to black?

Just black.

I like black and white.

I like black.

I like all black.

Black makes me feel like this and that.



Open me up.

Colors make me think differently, act differently, do differently.

When I put my attention into color, I change my reality.

So this is a new painting I’ve been working on..


I don’t know what you think, but I’m just blown away.

Absolutely blown away.

I’ve never seen this before.

Like what we have here,

Well, first of all, this is my first “cosmic” size.

So I have, I have 12 different sizes.

And so this is the biggest size that I have.

It’s a 40 by 26, and that’s only because that’s the the biggest size paper I can get.

If there is bigger, I will do bigger.

I will try bigger.

So this is my first attempt at one this size, and my intention was to create angel wings, and it was inspired by this picture that I saw, and that’s usually how I start the paintings, is through the inspiration of color schemes that I see in, in other pictures. Or videos. Or nature.

So basically what I did was, I laid the alcohol down.

Well, I tried to outline wings and honestly, like I thought there’d be more purple down here, so it’s interesting that the purple is just there, and I was not expecting that at all.

But, I don’t know why I ever try to have any expectation, because you and I both know that

I don’t have any say.

They’re going to do what they want to do.


And that’s what I love about them so much is that they make me feel so like…

In love.

I don’t know what it is exactly, but I think it’s the color energy.

I think the colors and the vibrancy.

And the lines and the shapes…

The lines and the shapes.

All right.

It’s very important for you to understand that these lines and shapes are truly out of this world.

And it contains information that can help you heal in extraordinary ways.

Extraordinary ways.

So I really believe that alcohol links can play a major role in healing the grief because of the information and the color energy, and the vibrancy, and all of that

blending together.

It just changes our mind at a cellular level.

It gives the cells new information.

And so if we’re dealing with trauma, or grief related issues…


Just generally not feeling loved, not feeling supported.

It’s because of the information you’re carrying, and that information comes from the stories that you remember about your past.

So how do we really heal that right?

That’s the big question.

The answer is alcohol inks.

I know it’s probably not what you want to hear.

I didn’t really want to hear it either, to be honest.

I was like, what are you talking about?

Alcohol Inks?

What the heck are alcohol inks?

And now we know.

And now I have a massive catalog of alcohol in art paintings.

This is my store and this is my studio.

Maybe someday I’ll give you a studio tour.

That’d be nice, eh?

Nice to see where the magic happens.

If they can change me the way they have changed me,

I believe that they can change anyone.

Maybe I’m crazy.


Maybe I’m crazy.

But don’t you think it’s worth giving it a go, huh?

Don’t you think it’d be nice to see what could happen if we start changing the way we do things?

And so when you think about, you know, how we get our information via the news


Schools and stuff.

So much of the information is so dark, and you don’t realize it until you experience color.

And I don’t know of any other way that we can experience color to the same degree that you can with alcohol inks because alcohol inks, it’s because of their vibrancy.

When we look at acrylics or watercolors, they’re not nearly as bright and as vibrant as the alcohol links.

And also with other mediums, you know, with acrylic pores, even with that, the necessity for you to move the inks around

in a certain way is limited when compared to alcohol inks because alcohol inks are just so crazy.

They’re so crazy.

So they force you to really be aware of what they are doing.

Your effort to dry them and move them in a certain way

Through the airbrush or the heat gun, depending on what you’re using, but how you dry the inks, helps you see a cause and effect.

And in that process of drying the inks, you’re witnessing the development of this crazy, out of this world information.

The vibrance, the richness of these lines.

Like how does that happen?

Like how do these micro lines happen?

You know, how does that happen?

Can you see?

It’s hard for you to see that, Okay.

And then you have this stuff here and this stuff up here.

There’s something so profound and so healing, and so magical that happens when you’re in the process of painting with alcohol links.

And I just don’t think that you can get the same benefits from any other medium.

I know it’s hard to hear.

It’s hard to wrap your head around.

I know.

So just take this in bite size pieces okay.

Don’t overwhelm yourself with too much too soon, because I know this is brand new.

It’s brand new.

But I’m here for you.

I’m here for you because I believe in them and I trust them more than I trust anyone or anything.

It’s because of them that I was able to get out of the dark and heal my grief.

And to establish boundaries and escape the narcissistic personality.

The personality that was in me and the personalities that I was surrounded by…

I was able to break free because I found my light.

But the only reason why I found it is because I was giving my time and attention to the light.

To the paintings…the inks.

And that process of painting transferred into me.

And so the better I got at controlling the inks, the better I got at controlling my own emotions.

And there’s something about the information

in the lines and the shapes that would change my mind.

And again, I know it sounds crazy.

I’m not making it up though.

I think the project is evidence that I was working with angelic intelligence.

And that’s essentially what they are.

Alcohol inks.

AI = angelic intelligence.

You can’t make this shit up, brah…

So now that you know what I know about the extraordinary healing power of alcohol inks, I highly encourage you to get yourself an Alcohol Ink Art Studio.

You don’t have to have a big space.

Like I just have a small room

And I’m The World’s Greatest Alcohol Artist because I declared myself to be that.

And you could do the same.

But if the world’s greatest alcohol artist only has a small space, like I have a table that’s probably like four feet, five feet, and that’s where all the magic happens.

So what you need is a table.

You need some Yupo paper.

Yupo paper.

You need some alcohol inks.

You need some isoprol alcohol.


And you need some extender if you want.

But you can get by with just isoprol alcohol, and you can get a heat gun.

I got a heavy duty heat gun.

And you can get yourself an airbrush if you need to.

I mean, that’d be a little bit more pricey than maybe you have because you need a compressor.

But if you get yourself an airbrush, then you can move the inks that way.

And these are the tools we use to move the energy.

We are moving and manipulating the inks with the air or the heat or with temperature and air.

So those two variables are what cause the effect of this.

And as you do these paintings you will be imprinting into your cells new information, and that is going to help you change the way you show up in the world.

Change what you give your time and attention to.

And it is my hope that it inspires and activates the artist that is dying to come outta you.

Because I just think everybody has an artist that is dying to come out.

But guess what my friends, we cannot let our art out when we are drowning…

Dying in grief.

When we are drowning in our childhood stories.

When we don’t feel loved.

So why this is so important is because this to me, is the closest thing to seeing and touching real love in a way that we as human beings have forgotten.

We’ve forgotten what love really is.

And that’s why there’s so much craziness going on.

It might sound, you know, too spiritual for some….

That love is the answer.

But I just think that if you think that way, it’s because you don’t really know what love is.

And most people don’t.

And that is the problem.

This is why it’s gonna be so hard for people to wake up.

But maybe, just maybe we can wake people up with the Alcohol Ink Art T.V.

So if you don’t want to be a painter…

okay, okay,

I hear ya.

I get it.

Maybe you’re not ready yet.

So baby steps.

Like I said, this isn’t a race.

You gotta pace yourself.

I will play my role as the world’s greatest alcohol ink artist to bring to you the information that I am finding in these paintings, and I will share it with you.

And then that way there you can get the information.

You’re not getting it to the same extent that you would if you were to actually be painting.

But you’re getting it this way and getting something is better than getting nothing.

A little bit here and there every day starts to pile up.

And the higher your pile, the better you’re gonna feel and the better you feel, the better things will get.

The more improvements we will see in our realities.

And we all deserve to be rich in health, and wealth, and love.

We deserve the very best, and it’s time for this illusion of separation, and this illusion of classes, and this illusion of superiority, to fall away because it’s not helping anyone.

It’s not actually working.

Whatever we think is working, it’s all based on lies and crimes.

Lies and crimes against humanity.

Humanity who is heartbroken.

So we have to do the groundwork to heal our heartbreak.

To learn about love through the information received from alcohol inks.

And we have to put what we learned into action.

And start becoming and being the deliberate creators of our own reality.

And we have to start seeing ourselves as angelic intelligence.

Develop our own wings and fly…

Fly like the creators we are meant to be.

Fly like the hawks we are.

Fly like the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees.

Fly like we are divine superhuman human beings.

That is all I have to say in this episode.

Thank you for listening to me, and I hope that you took notes because we do not plan these episodes out.

Nope, Nope.

We let the information come through me.

Divinely guided.
