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I thought self-love was the drug I needed to kill who I was.

And maybe it did, and maybe I’m still in the process and maybe I haven’t arrived so maybe I still need more time.

To be still.
To meditate on the plans I have for her.

And I have big plans for her.
She’s going to save the world.

She’s going to change the frequency by being the change I wanna see in the world.

And the changes I wanna see are big…

I wanna see more people smiling and laughing and having fun just for the fun of it.

I wanna see more people doing what they love.

I wanna see more people practicing the art of self-mastery and I wanna see more people creating.


Being in the stillness.
Laying on the ground.

I wanna see more people free in health, in wealth and love.

And I wanna see more people witnessing all the miraculous ways law of attraction shows up to create the life you want.

I just think that if more people took the time they needed to kill the Monster within, than we could get to the roots of why the world is self-destructing.

But maybe I’m really bat shit crazy…?

But maybe I’m really the one that’s bat shit crazy??

But maybe I’m really bat shit crazy…???

Maybe I’m bat shit crazy for thinkin’ that maybe….

But maybe I’m really bat shit crazy for thinking the world can change….

Maybe my quest to change is the very thing that’s killing me, keeping me stuck in my uncertainty.

You can try to be right right?

You can try to be good.
You can try to make a difference.

You can try to change the codes of repressed memories…

And subconscious beliefs and habits and ways of being.

But maybe you can’t change shit.

Maybe who you are is permanent?

I dunno, I don’t….

I really don’t have any idea what the ‘eff I’m talkin’ about….

But I think it’s worth the effort to try, because I do feel the difference in my vibe, and so far it feels pretty nice.

So I’ll just keep doing my best to invest in the daily practice and hope…

Hope, hope, hope for the best…

So have hope for me my friend…

Hope that she does become who I think She is before she loses herself to…(HIM) again.