So I’m preparing to have another conversation regarding Arting, specifically audio arting.
But before I get into it, I have a feeling inside of me that’s saying, I want some tea.
I want some tea mommy.
So, I have to go and honor that feeling because I agree.
I think.
I think…
I think I would really like some tea.
It’s all about how you say the words, and that’s what we’re gonna talk about in this good, good, good heart to heart conversation.
What you think about my hair today?
What you think about my hair?
Do you like how it’s got a lot of volume over here?
Honestly, I don’t know what to do with it, so I don’t do anything.
I just let it do what it wants to do because when you stop trying to control everything about yourself, and about there, and you really start to learn about love.
You stop trying to control the parts of yourself you don’t love and you learn to love them, for who they are, and what they are, and how they want to express themselves.
And the truth is, I really used to hate my hair so much, because it did stuff like this.
And it’s like, how do you deal with this?
You can flat iron it, sure.
But over time, over time,
you ruin your hair.
And, and it’s annoying to have to do that.
I’ve been there.
I got the t-shirt that said I flat iron in my hair every day.
Can you tell?
And then if it gets a little wet.
So instead of trying to, to work against that
I’m working with it.
And that’s why my hair looks the way it does.
Just in case you are wondering.
Anyway, I digress.
I’m gonna go get my tea.
I’m gonna go get my tea, and I’ll be back in a second, or two or three, or four or five, maybe a few minutes.
Give me a few minutes.
I’ll be back.
And then we will, um, have a little chit chat, a chit chat about the ins and outs of how audio art can help you clear your throat, and how clearing your throat can help you become super.
The throat chakra is where the magic is my friend.
When you open up your throat chakra you’re on another level.
You’re on another level.
I’ll be back.
I’m back.
Sorry it took so long, I had to do a little bit of inversion.
Hanging upside down really gets the blood flowing into my brain so I can think in really precise ways.
So I got some tea.
I got some tea in my mug, so we can have a nice warm, heart to heart conversation about audio arting.
I never know what we’re gonna say in these conversations…
You know, I just have to, open the door, take a step in, and be open to letting the energy…
The Divine come through me.
My higher self come through me.
And we just speak.
We just speak.
We just talk.
We just talk.
Which is, you know essentially how audio art really started.
It started back when I was going through cancer treatment, much like my entire art mastery series did.
It all started because of cancer.
But it was during cancer when everything just sort of started to fall apart in so many bizarre, and really, really, really, really effing hard ways.
And so because of that, I just felt like I had nothing to hold onto.
I was losing myself to the cancer treatment, and I was losing relationships, and I lost my business.
So these losses really humbled me in a way that I didn’t even know it was possible.
Because you don’t think that you’re gonna lose so much so soon.
No, you don’t think that’s gonna happen right.
But when it does, what do you do?
There’s nowhere to go for help.
There’s nowhere to go for help.
Which is why I had this deep passion to create this healing center which was more like a school for life so that we could know how to do life.
Because they don’t teach us how to do life.
No, they don’t.
No, they don’t.
Unless I missed that lesson.
Did I miss that lesson in school because I didn’t learn how to do life.
It’s like life has been happening to me, and I’ve been trying to overcome the happenings…
Thus, cancer happens and you’re not prepared for it cuz FYI, cancer is really effing expensive.
And if you are not prepared for something like that, financially…you’re fucked.
You’re so fucked.
I was so fucked.
And it is just funny because, you know prior to the cancer, I had been pursuing that vision to create that healing center.
To create this place to go to prepare for life.
To get unstuck, and become the best version of yourself.
And it never happened.
The thing I was trying to create never happened.
And then I’m faced with this situation-ship where I really needed what I thought I needed.
I really needed that place to go.
I really needed that healing center.
Anyway, it didn’t exist, and because everything happened so fast, and I lost so much of myself during that process. And I had no one to talk to about it really.
I ended up talking to myself.
But I took it to another level, and I’m not even sure why I did what I did to be honest, because it was so random, and spur of the moment.
But I feel like looking back documenting myself, and talking to myself whether it’s via video like this.
Or using voice memos.
So what I did was, I was using the voice memos app on my phone, and I just turned it on and I talked to myself.
And so I think talking to myself, really kept me alive.
It gave me something…someone to hear me.
And in doing that it gave myself the opportunity to speak my truth.
To express how I was feeling, and what was going on inside of me during the hardest time of my life.
And just feeling so alone in all of that, creating the opportunity to talk, I think really saved me in so many ways.
In so many ways.
I know I might have made it seem like I wasn’t a fan of talk therapy.
It’s not that I’m not a fan of talk therapy, I just think we have to be careful of who we’re talking to.
And I also think that talk therapy isn’t going to solve all your problems.
So don’t use that as your only tool for cultivating self-love and self mastery.
It’s just a tool.
And for me, I think talk therapy falls into the category of audio arting as it relates to the art of self mastery.
So using the voice memos, and using video like this to talk and speak my truth was another way that I was able to get to know myself.
To get to know how I was feeling, and who I was, depending on how I was feeling.
And that’s when I started to realize there was so many different versions of me.
So many different versions of me.
And I don’t know if that’s because, I created these versions of myself as a way to cope with not being able to really be myself.
Growing up in this environment where everything I did was wrong, and I was shamed for it.
So I ended up trying to become like other people.
I remember studying other people obsessively watching how they did things, and I thought if they did those things, and they didn’t get in trouble for being like that then maybe if I be like that, then I won’t get in trouble for being someone.
Then I won’t get in trouble.
I won’t be shame for being a certain way because I’m not being me.
I’m being like them.
You know what I mean?
And I think that the artist in me was able to mimic other people’s personality traits, and ways of being.
And I would be able to act it out.
I’d be able to like become that, because it wasn’t about being a certain way, it was about acting a certain way.
They’re different things.
And through acting we express ourself.
That’s why acting is also such a powerful tool in helping us heal because it gives us the platform…the opportunity to speak our truth.
To act it out.
And so I think that when we’re acting our emotions out not only are we using our throat chakra to express and to speak our truth but the energy also gets to move through the body as well.
When you speak the words, and you let the words come through your body.
When you can really express.
When you can really say how you feel in a creative way.
In a way that isn’t so much specific to a story.
But it’s just a story.
It’s an opportunity to feel.
To feel the emotions of a certain situation.
Of a certain experience that maybe felt good or felt bad.
But either way giving yourself permission to act it out is very profound, as it relates healing, and self-awareness, and self-mastery.
So, you know, going back to how I was using audio arting in the beginning of all this, it started with just voice memos.
And much like the writing, I was using voice memos to just document my day.
The progress I was making on my quest.
But then as I learned about alcohol inks.
It opened the door to audio arting in a whole new way.
Like a way that is so big and so broad.
And I honestly think that this tool was the tool that really opened me up to who I was in a whole new way.
And that’s when I started using spoken word to express myself.
And like I was saying in the last episode regarding word arting, and how my writing started to change because of Alcohol Ink.
And so it became more creative.
It became more poetic.
More flowetry kind of way of writing.
And I just had this feeling inside of me that if I could speak the words.
And put into action how I was feeling through acting…
That’s what spoken word to me is.
It’s like, the speaking of your words, but it’s the acting at the same time.
Acting it out.
Feeling it out.
Feeling the words.
Letting the body really open up, and express.
And it changes the story entirely.
When you hear it.
When you speak it.
Versus when you just read it yourself.
Because how you read it, might not be how I wrote it.
And when I write it.
I’m writing it from a specific persona.
A specific point of view.
A specific point of me.
And so I really wanted to highlight that perspective, once again, changes everything.
Word art is just one perspective.
It’s one way of expressing, and one way of collecting information.
The same holds true with audio arting.
And video arting and photo arting.
So they all have their own unique points of view as a way to entertain.
And to teach.
And to express…
Where am I going with this?
Losing my flow.
That was a little tangent.
So what I ended up doing was taking the stories I was writing.
And I would record them using spoken word.
And that process really helped me to get out this artist in me that was dying to come out.
The actor in me.
The repressed child in me.
You know, the monster in me.
The lover in me.
The higher self in me.
When I was able to speak my words.
It allowed me to bring forth this other version of myself.
And ultimately bringing forth these versions of myself is really the key to setting myself free.
To unlocking myself.
So the work is about really doing the work to speak your truth.
So if that means getting a therapist and having talking conversations.
And if that’s where you need to start then start there.
But also, giving yourself permission to speak your truth.
Whether it’s on voice memos.
Or in a video like this.
Or writing your words, and then speaking them out using spoken word.
Putting yourself into a position where this is part of your daily practice is really important.
It’s a really important part of doing the work.
And the more you do the work, the more you’re going to heal.
And the more you heal.
The more awakened you’re going to be.
And the more awakened, and healed you are, the more you’re gonna activate the artist within.
And so that’s essentially what ended up happening.
Like the more I spoke my truth, the more I expressed myself.
The more I did the work.
The more free I became to pursue the creative projects that I wanted to pursue…which is the art stories project, and becoming Artist Sarah Long.
Like to do what I did.
Oh man…
Like when I think back a couple years ago, I couldn’t even comprehend what I’m doing now, and who I’ve become.
And the funny thing is when I started doing the art stories project, and I was doing the work.
I was doing the writings.
I was doing the paintings.
I was doing the recordings.
And I was posting my stories on a podcast, and really pushing it on social media.
And it didn’t go anywhere.
It didn’t go anywhere.
I was getting no traction.
And I have no idea to this day if this project is going to amount to anything.
I really don’t.
Because right now I’m just laying the framework.
I’m laying the groundwork.
I’m teaching what I know to myself.
Am I good enough?
Did I learn to love?
Did I win the war?
Did I win the war on my hair?
If I can win the war, and if I can really prove to myself that I did the work then I’m ready to be seen.
I’m ready to be heard.
But my point is, is that I didn’t do this to be rich or famous.
It’s more about if I don’t get out, what is in me, what is in me is going to kill me.
And if we are eternal.
Meaning, we just keep coming back, at the same vibration we left at.
So if I don’t do this now then what?
What happens in my next life?
And my next life?
And my next life?
And I know it might be crazy to think like that.
But I think like that.
I think big.
I think broad.
I think overly.
And underly.
And inwardly.
So ultimately I think that audio art is one of the most powerful tools that helps us really move energy.
And I think that when we use the throat chakra, what we’re doing is we’re getting out the trapped emotions…
Like actually getting it out.
There’s other ways we can get out our emotions.
Like the writing and whatever.
But speaking, and speaking in a creative way is such a profound way of healing, or overcoming the war of art.
Speaking our truth helps us write better, because when we speak it out, we get to know ourselves more.
It makes us better writers.
Being a better writer helps us speak our truth better.
More precisely.
More accurately.
The communication…verbal communication is something that everybody struggles with because we don’t really innerstand who we are.
And why we are.
And what we.
And because we’ve never really done the true healing work.
The healing work that really gets to the roots.
And so most people are just walking around fully loaded with all their emotions, and their throat chakra is so blocked.
Which then causes a massive blockage in the heart.
Which then caused a massive blockage in the third eye.
Which then causes a massive blockage in the solar plexus.
And most people are really trapped in the root chakra very depleted, because all these other key chakras where the energy wants to come out.
It’s all trapped.
It’s all trapped.
So all you’re really doing is focusing on your physical life.
Your physical world.
Your money.
Your sex.
Your fitness.
But you’re so much more than that.
And when we take all that energy that’s stuck in the root chakra.
In the solar plexus.
In the sexual chakra.
There’s so much trauma down there which causes the frustration in the heart.
The heart to break.
And then when we’re not free to really speak our truth…because we don’t it just gets congested.
And that’s how we end up in this vessel that we’re in.
The body that we’re in.
That’s how it ends up getting sick.
Or weighed down.
Or feeling depressed.
Or some kind of health condition…
the health condition is the byproduct of not expressing.
So word arting, Yes, that has value.
But speaking our truth…
Physically using the voice is so huge.
It’s so huge.
I just wanted to mention as an addition to this in regards to audio arting.
So when I would make a spoken word, I would also make music to go along with it.
And, I don’t know anything about music.
I really don’t.
I just I feel it, okay?
I feel it.
So once upon a time when all of this started, I had a little bit of a lesson like an hour lesson on garageband, and whatever I learned from that I just went with it.
And that is how I’ve been making music.
And basically what I do is I use Garage Band or Logic.
And I feel the music.
I feel the music.
So I’ll listen to a sound.
Basically the loops.
Or I use my typing keyboard…
Is that what it’s called?
Something like that.
I use the keyboard or I use the loops, and I basically pick sounds that feel a certain way.
Oftentimes I’ll take the story, and how do I want the story to feel?
So based on that, I find music…sounds that feel that way…that feel like the way, I want the story to feel.
Does that make any sense?
And basically I’m piecing together these sounds that feel a certain way, and I use them to build up an audio art, if you will, via music to go with the spoken word.
And that then is how we create this beautiful audio art story.
Yeah, we do.
And so that’s how
I basically created the podcast that didn’t go anywhere.
But what it did do was it forced me to go even deeper into the project.
And that’s how we ended up getting to where we are.
Building this up to be what it has become.
And to have to say for the record.
I’m so surprised.
I’m so surprised.
It’s like I’ve been given this task.
This mission to put together a puzzle that I have no idea what it’s supposed to look like.
And I just keep getting these pieces of information.
It’s been a long time putting this thing together.
It’s because I was talking to myself so much.
It’s because I took the time to speak my truth, and to innerstand how I was feeling, and why I was feeling a certain way.
So whenever I would get triggered, or whenever I’d feel frustrated, I would just talk to myself via voice memos
Or a video.
And it would be just so fascinating at how much clarity I would get, just by talking to myself.
You’ll find a lot of audio art stories in throughout the art stories project.
Is there anything else we want to talk about on this topic?
I don’t think so.
I don’t think so.
I think you said enough, bro.
I think that’s all we have to say in this episode regarding Audio Arting.
I highly suggest you get yourself a microphone.
Get yourself a microphone, and set yourself up a stage so you can express yourself.
And speak your truth.
Or if you can’t do that if you’re not ready for that, that’s okay.
Small steps.
Small steps.
But if you don’t do that maybe start trying to document yourself, via voice memos, and start talking about anything.
How do you feel?
How do you feel about whatever’s going on?
Somebody’s listen.
Somebody’s listening, and they care.
And they can help.
You just gotta open the door.
You just gotta open the door, and let your heart out.
Let your heart out.
Speak so you can heal how you feel.