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I’m just thinking…

I’m about to do something very exciting, and I’m not even afraid.

Like I used to be afraid…

Or I don’t know if that’s the right word.

But more like should I, or should I not, or should I or should I not?

And that’s because I didn’t really trust myself and I didn’t trust myself because I didn’t know what I was doing.

So I had this doubt.

It’s like this, this knowing that I have to do what I gotta do.

But also like, what if I fuck it up?

And that’s like kind of the story of my life in a way.

It’s like, I know I gotta do things.

I got a lot to do while I’m here, but I just keep fucking it up.

I have fucked a lot of my life up.

But at the same time, alcohol inks teach me

That even though something might look, you know, crazy and distorted.

And it might look like a fuck up.

Like this painting, it’s abstract and it’s chaotic, and so you could say, oh, that’s not a very good painting.

I can always see potential for improvement.

But that doesn’t mean that it’s not beautiful.

I love, I love this painting.

I love, I love this.

I love it when we get that effect.

I’m not sure what to call it.

I think it’s like the blend of orange and, and purple.

It makes this really nice kind of brownish, goldish color.

Anyway, so I love that.

I love, it’s hard to see it here, but you see that gold, like the line.

So it really holds the gold.

It holds the gold.

And these colors, and the contrast…

But, the problem is, the problem is, is that it’s an older painting and it has been moved around a lot and so there’s a lot of scuffing.

There’s scuffing, which has caused scuff marks, okay.

Scuff marks.

I’ll show you.

Can you see the scuff marks?

Yeah, you could see it.


So when we compare that to this…

oh, you see what I mean?

There’s no scuff marks.

So here’s the thing.

Here’s the thing.

Like these two paintings, so different.

And this one was done a long time ago.

This one I’m still working on.

And so I’ve learned so much.

I’ve learned so much and I have done a lot of paintings since this one.

And also, also…

I started using this with this.

Which might not mean much to you, but to me it has changed everything.

So before I was just using Isopropyl alcohol to mix the inks.

That’s how you move the inks around.

But it was washing out the inks.

And when it’s washing with the inks you can’t get that vibrant effect.

You don’t get the richness.

You don’t get the shine.

It’s just really dull.

And I would never, ever like, wanna be known for my dull colours, or my dull inks, you know?

So it was a pretty major crisis there when I was really like, what’s going on?

And it’s just like, I still don’t know, but I think that maybe they either changed the way they produce Isopropyl alcohol.

Or they were just making shitty quality inks.

Either way, the inks were washing out.

So I resorted to trying this, and, just using this alone, it’s too heavy.

I wouldn’t recommend that.

But I’m diluting this with this, so it’s a one to one ratio, 50 50.

And that’s how I’m getting this, this new effect.

And, so the quality…

I don’t know if you can see, you can see the glare.

You can see the perfection.

It’s just a whole new level.

A whole new level of…

just love…


I’m just like blown away.

Blown away.

Can you see it?

Like over here?

And so when you see that in comparison to this.

You see the difference, right?

You see how the energy is different?

It’s different.

But my point is, or what I wanna make clear is that I love them both.

I love them both, and so what this has taught me is that over time, our energy can get scuffed, right?

Our energy can fade out or get dull if we’re not paying attention to how we feel.

And if you’re not realizing that your colors are being washed out, cause maybe you’re using too much Isopropyl alcohol on yourself.

That can be in a variety of ways.

Like maybe you’re just like staying in a relationship for too long.

It just doesn’t serve you anymore, but you’re not leaving cuz you’re afraid.

You’re afraid of what’s on the other side.

And, so doing that washes your colors out…

Washes your energy out.

It washes your drive for life.

And so, while you are a painting…

While you are a masterpiece.

A piece of art that has so much potential and beauty and your lines, and your shapes and your depth is so magnificent.

If you are not expanding and growing and moving your energy around in such a way that is for your highest and best.

Then eventually you’re going to feel like this.

And, I see this and I see so much potential, and I’m excited to see what’s gonna come from another layer.

What will the painting become when I add another layer?

And the best part is, the longer you go between layers, the more rich that new layer will be.

And so I think if we can think of ourselves as pieces of art.

Specifically pieces of alcohol ink art.

And when you realize that when you add another layer.

When you add more love to yourself.

When you add some claro extender to your cells…

Cuz this, this is what gives it the gloss.

The vibrancy.

The brilliance.

The brilliance.

And, so when you, when you are doing the work, the healing work to add more brilliance to yourself.

To add more brilliance to your life and more colors.

More love.

You change yourself entirely and then you can change your future.

Because doing the work now to raise your frequency is subsequently carving a new path or helping you expand to a higher vibration.

You know what I mean?

So with that being said…

I just knocked over my bottles.

Oh, good thing it was only alcohol.

The other thing that’s really nice about blending or about mixing the alcohol with the extender, is the extender is a lot more expensive.

A lot more expensive.

And that’s why I was never using extender in the first place.

I’m like, why would I pay $20 a bottle when I could pay seven to $10 a bottle for alcohol?

And it was never a problem until Covid happened.

And then I don’t know what happened during Covid, but everything just went fucking wonky in the world, including Isopropyl alcohol.

Such a shame.

Such a shame.

But don’t worry, we figured it out.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and where there’s a way, there’s a way.

And now we have achieved a new level of Alcohol ink art Mastery.

That’s what today represents.

I don’t know if you know this, but um, I have completed approximately 133 paintings that I have considered to be good enough to sell.


I never thought we’d get here.

I never thought we’d get here.

But it’s true.

I mean, they’re not all great.

Like they’re not all tens, you know.

But you gotta start somewhere.

And so after all these years of painting and trying to perfect my skill, I’ve come to realize that, you know, the inks are always going to do what they want.

I don’t really have a lot of control over it.

And it’s both frustrating, but also such a powerful tool in helping me heal and thus, you know, let go of control.

Because we can’t really control anything.

All we can do is control how we respond to stuff…


When we respond with love, we don’t clog our energy up, you know?

But when you respond with frustration…

Because you can’t control something and then you try to control it and you don’t really get what you want it causes frustration.

And that frustration causes a lot of murkiness and thus a lot of washed out energy.

A lot of dull colours.

What’s going on.

That’s why people who are like psychopaths and narcissists are so boring.

They’re so washed out.

So you gotta heal your shit.

You gotta do the work to heal your shit.

I forget what I was talking about…

You know me, you know me, we get on these rabbit trails and we just get lost and then I forget where I started and why I started.

Does it even matter?

Does it even matter?

Just take notes and then you’ll see that there is always a lesson to be found in the ramblings.


So, I got my mixatives….

See, what I love about these bottles is that I get this beautiful, precise tip.

I like the tips.

I like the tits.

I like the clits…


Now what?

Now we are going to take our energy.

We’re gonna put it into this painting and we’re going to see what we can do to change the energy.

How do you like me like this?

How do you like me like that?

How do you like me like this?

How do you like me like that?

How do you like me like this?

How do you like me like that?

How do you like this?

How do you like me like that?

How do you like me like this?

How do you like me like that?

How do you like me like this?

How do you like me like that?

How do you I like this, and…

Should we turn the music to something a little bit more, um, exciting?

You know…

I just don’t listen to music like I used to.

I don’t know what that means.

I mean, we could listen to Gali Lucy maybe.

I haven’t listened to her in a while.

It’s important, it’s important to be mindful of the kind of music you listen to because the music, the words, the frequency, it’s going to imprint into you, codes and conditioning.

And so if you are listening to low vibrational music that is talking about boring and low vibrational things, low vibrational things, whatever that is.

It’s going to keep you trapped in that vibration.

It’s gonna block you off from your blessings.

So you have to be willing to let it go.

This is why sound frequency and you know, instrumental stuff can be better for you from a healing and expansion kind of perspective.

Well, okay.

I like that song actually.

But I haven’t listened to Gali in a while.

Okay, so just so you know, we’re gonna be using, we’re gonna be using teal or stream.

Baja Blue.


Maybe this…

This isn’t working like it used to, so cheap.

That’s empty.

And then we got gold…

Don’t let me down gold.

Gold has been letting me down.

I dunno what to do about it.

Don’t let me down gold.

If you let down this time, I’m, I’m gonna be…